AI server for large-scale data driven research.
ABC - Austrian Blockchain Center
K1 competence center with the goal of the scientifically based further development of the blockchain technology and its application in various economic sectors. These range from Industry 4.0/Internet ...
SSCCS - Secure Supply Chains for Critical Systems
Resilient and adaptable systems that are still operational after being attacked or affected by disruptive events.
SBA Research
K1 competence center for Information Security
LoRaBridge 2
Home automation solution with greater range than current systems.
"ACCESS POINT" for basic oncological research in Lower Austria
Establishing an access point in Lower Austria to open up oncological findings for scientific use
Josef Ressel Center for Blockchain-Technologies & Security Management
The Josef Ressel Center for Blockchain-Technologies & Security management is a research institution operated by the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences. The research objective is making secur...
A3 - AI Act for Austria
Study on the implementation of the AI Act in Austrian critical infrastructures based on the status quo of the regulation.
InCyt - Interdisciplinary Cyber Training
A transnational training program for filling knowledge gaps in Cyber-Security.
Algorithmic prediction and participation – a study on the relationship between Predictive Risk Intelligence and workers' organisations
Investigates how algorithmic prediction can both negatively affect and benefit operational co-determination.
CDCNÖ – Cyber Defense Center NÖ
Setting up a Cyber Defense Center to improve educational training in IT security.
necta against Food Waste
Reducing Food Waste in Healthcare and Nursing Institutions.